Your privacy is important to us. We guarantee that any information provided by you will be used solely for the purpose of responding to your ballet school requirements. Please specify in your initial inquiry if you would not like your details shared with any third parties. We may also from time to time contact you to advise or promote new and related services. You can opt out of our database at any time via links in our marketing correspondence or contacting us directly.
To ensure our insurers and credit providers have the necessary facts to assess risk, verify your identity, to help prevent fraud and to provide you the best services and payment options, they may obtain information from third parties in certain instances.
If you are not happy for these searches to be undertaken, please let us know immediately. If you require any more information or have and questions on our privacy policies, please call our school directly for more information. Natalia Kremen Ballet School Ltd - 96 Oyster Wharf 18 Lombard Road London SW11 3RR (Company number 07894957)
Google Website Optimizer and Google Analytics
Google Analytics and Google Website Optimizer are services provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to help us analyse how users use our website. Google Web Optimizer uses the same cookies to measure how different users respond to different content. The information generated by these cookies (including your truncated IP address) is transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your, and other users’, use of our website and mobile site compiling reports for us on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and Internet usage. Please note that Google only receives your truncated IP address. This is sufficient for Google to identify (approximately) the country from which you are visiting our site, but is not sufficient to identify you, or your computer or mobile device, individually.
Google Remarketing and Google Adwords
We sometimes use the online advertising program Google AdWords and the Google Remarketing technology, both operated by the company Google Inc.
For measuring conversion with Google AdWords, a conversion tracking cookie is placed when a user clicks on an NKBS advertisement delivered by Google. Conversion tracking cookies expire after 30 days and are not used for personal identification. Google uses a different cookie for each Google AdWords customer and there is no consolidation of the cookie data with other data. If you click on one of our Ads and proceed to a page equipped with a conversion tag and the cookie has not yet expired, the conversion is documented. With the help of the conversion tracking cookie we see the total number of conversions and are able to review the performance of our Ads.
When you click on one of our Ads, a Google Remarketing cookie is placed. This cookie helps to serve our Ads to you at a later time when you browse pages of the Google content network. Remarketing cookies expire after 30 days and are not used for personal identification.
At the Natalia Kremen Ballet School we value all employees and job candidates asunique individuals, and we welcome the variety of experiences they bring to ourcompany. As such, we have a strict non-discrimination policy. We believe everyoneshould be treated equally regardless of race, sex, gender identification, sexualorientation, national origin, native language, religion, age, disability, marital status,citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protectedby law. If you feel that you have been discriminated against, please letadministration know immediately. Every complaint will be appropriatelyinvestigated.
Social media includes online electronic tools to help students, parents, teachers,and staff communicate effectively. Specific examples of popular social media toolsinclude Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and other communication apps.
Upon enrolling a child into the school, all parents are guardians must completethe social media consent/release form. This form is used as an approval forallowing a parent or guardian’s child to be seen on our school social mediaplatforms.
Each staff member shall act in a responsible manner and continually strive toimprove the school's operational efficiency and well-being. Our goal is to provide apleasant and productive working environment at all times. Our ability to achievethis goal depends upon all of us showing mutual respect and maintaining openlines of communication. Therefore, we have an "Open Door Policy." This meansthat if you have any questions about your job, complaints of any kind, or opinionsabout matters which affect your employment, we encourage you to discuss themwith the Administration. Any matter will be treated with dignity and respect as asolution is achieved. We encourage your input and hope that you will help keepthe lines of communication between us open at all times.
Gossip is malicious or actionable talk about someone when they are not present orcan hear. Gossip often involves just untrue tales and can include truthful remarks.Gossip is also any talk of a person’s or institution’s affairs, whether personal orprofessional, innocuous or slanderous.In the workplace, gossip can distract, drain,and hurt one’s overall job satisfaction.
a. A person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others
b. A rumor or report of an intimate nature
c. Chatty Talk
Gossip is a noun which means it is something you have to DO and act on. Thismeans gossip is something you can choose to DO or choose NOT to do. To stopgossip from starting, or to end it after it has started, simply walk away, do notengage, ignore or simple state “this is gossip and I won’t be participating in this!”
a. Refuse to participate in any gossip matters. This means making the choice notto engage, choosing to walk away or ignore, or stating you will not participate.
b. Not speak or insinuate another person’s name when that person is not presentunless it is to compliment or reference regarding work matters.
b. If a person does something unethical, against the business policies, proceduresor code of conduct, I will report this to administration immediately.
d. While off the job, I will continue to follow all policies and procedures of theschool, especially when it comes to the code of conduct and gossip policy. I willnot speak to others about someone in any negative way. I will always commit tousing positive and professional communication.
e. I promise to be a professional, be kind, be respectful, and do the best job I cando!
a. The first offense of gossip - Administration will have a meeting with theemployee in a private setting. This meeting is meant for the employee to clarifyany confusion and state their reasoning. Administration will document notes andthese notes will remain in the employee’s file. Depending on the conversation,administration will decide if a verbal or a written warning will occur.
b. The second offense of gossip – Administration will review the notes from thefirst offense. Administration will write up the employee with a first writtenwarning.
c. The third offense of gossip – Administration will review the notes from the firstand second offense. A final written write up will occur. The employee will benotified that one more offense will result in probation, suspension or termination.
As professionals we all have a safeguarding duty to our students and sometimes thatduty extends to physical contact with them, be that though administering first aid,through comforting a distressed child or by making important technical corrections tosupport safe dance practice.
Appropriate professional touch is often an essential part of teaching and can bebeneficial as a kinesthetic teaching strategy. It is essential therefore as dance teachersthat we have a clear and legitimate purpose in physical contact at class so as not tocause distress and to always adhere to safeguarding policy and guidance.
As professional teachers at the Natalia Kremen Ballet School we agree with thefollowing statements:
We Do:
We Don't
This Policy:
This policy must be read and understood by all members of staff at NataliaKremen Ballet School.
We will make sure this policy is accessible to all staff, parents and students,where appropriate, and will make sure that all teachers / staff members canunderstand this policy by
a) having a training day on safeguarding for all staff
b) discussing this policy in staff meetings
All staff and volunteers at Natalia Kremen Ballet School must adhere to thispolicy and must understand their duties and responsibilities regardingsafeguarding.
A copy of this policy will be available at all times in the office in the policies folderand on the school website. All regular staff sponsors and volunteers (those whovisit the school regularly) will also be issued with a copy of the policy annually.Updates made throughout the year will be issued electronically.
Staff are to be reminded of other relevant policies and procedures such as thestaff ICT Acceptable use policy. All polices are available in the polices folder. Staffare to be reminded that following school policy is an integral part of our code ofconduct.
All staff and volunteers have a strict duty never to subject a child to any form ofharm or abuse. Failure to adhere to these procedures will be treated as grossmisconduct.
Our Responsibility:
At Natalia Kremen Ballet School we recognise we have a responsibility toprotect and safeguard the welfare of all children and young people we workwith and have an explicit duty to do so under the Children Act 1989 and 2004and the Education Act 2002.
At Natalia Kremen Ballet School we believe that the welfare of the child is ofparamount importance. That no child should be treated any less favourably thanothers in accessing services that meet their needs and that all children withoutexception have the right to protection from abuse regardless of their gender,ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs.
A ‘child’ is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. The fact that achild has reached 16 years of age, is living independently, in further education, orworking does not change his/ her entitlement to services or protection as achild.
Our guidelines apply to all children and young people until their 18th birthday.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people means:
Protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of a child’shealth or development, ensuring that children are growing up with theprovision of safe and effective care and taking action to ensure that childrenhave the best life chances.
At Natalia Kremen Ballet School we will do this by:
At Natalia Kremen Ballet School all concerns and allegations of abuse will betaken seriously. It is the responsibility of all staff and volunteers to take steps toprotect children, to keep them safe from hazards and to take appropriate actionin the event of an accident.
It is the responsibility of all staff and volunteers to take reasonable steps toprotect children and young people from harm and abuse while in contact withour school and our staff and to report any incident of or suspicion of abuse tothe Designated Safeguarding Lead Natalia Kremen or in their absence directlyto the appropriate statutory authority.
Designated Safeguarding Lead:
At Natalia Kremen Ballet School our designated safeguarding person is:
Natalia Kremen 07525932842
The deputy DSL in her absence is………………………………………………………………..
As designated safeguarding lead they have additional training in [add a list here;this may include safeguarding children’s training, designated safeguarding leadtraining, managing allegations training…. Whatever courses you have done thatmakes you suitable and experienced to take on this role]
The responsibilities of the DSL:
The DSL (and Deputy DSLs) meet formally once a term before the School &Pastoral Committee to prepare the termly update and review safeguarding andchild protection matters.
Managing Injury:
If a child has a physical injury and there are concerns about abuse attentionshould be sought for the injury first, then procedures for referring to children’ssocial care should then be followed.
Contacting the emergency services for medical treatment must not be delayedfor any reason.
Managing Recruitment:
All individuals working at Natalia Kremen Ballet School who have contact withchildren and young people are required to hold a valid, clear DBS check.
All staff and volunteers will be recruited in line with safer recruitment guidance.
2 members of staff will be appropriately trained in Safer Recruitmentprocedures.
No staff will be employed or able to volunteer if they are barred from workingwith children.
In the event of an incident where a member of staff must be dismissed (orchooses to leave) because they have harmed a child DBS will be notified.
Managing Allegation:
If any member of staff or volunteer has concerns about the behaviour orconduct of another individual within the ballet school the nature of the concernshould be reported to Natalia Kremen.
The member of staff who has a concern or to whom the allegation or concern isreported should not question the child or investigate further.
The Designated lead, Natalia Kremen will report the matter to the LocalAuthority Designated Officer (LADO).
LADO referrals shall be made to the local authority area where the individualwho it has alleged has caused harm is employed.
If allegation or concern is raised about a member of staff, outside of work, thismay still present a risk of harm to children for whom that member of staff isresponsible and as such the general principles of this policy still apply.
Harm to Children:
Everybody working with children at Natalia Kremen Ballet School must be alertto the needs of children and the risk of harm.
All staff and volunteers should be able to recognise and know how to act uponevidence that a child’s health or development is being impaired or that a child issuffering or likely to suffer significant harm.
At Natalia Kremen Ballet School we will make every effort to protect childrenfrom harm when they are visiting our setting/ attending our classes.
We Will Ensure:
Failure to adhere to these procedures will be treated as gross misconduct.
Contextual safeguarding:
The Natalia remen Ballet Scholl understands it’s responsibilities regardingcontextual safeguarding and is aware that all activities for children can carry risk.
Information sharing:
During the admissions process relevant contact and medical information shallbe collected and access to emergency information will be available to teachingstaff and volunteers at every session. This is to ensure the safety of studentsdancing with us. All parents and carers will also be asked to sign relevantconsent forms regarding information sharing and consents eg photo consent.Parents and carers will be asked to provide two sets of emergency contactdetails
for every child.
The Natalia Kremen Ballet school has appropriate polices in place regardingData Protection and GDPR. These can be found in the policies folder. Recordskept regarding safeguarding and child protection are kept locked and in aseparate location to routine student records and can be accessed only by theschool DSL.
Information regarding safeguarding and child protection concerns will beshared as outlined in this policy, all other information will be shared in line withthe schools date protection policy.
Every member of staff has a duty to be alert to the signs of harm and abuse.
Where they have concerns, these should be recorded carefully and accurately.
It is important to recognise that harm can be caused by adults includingparents/ carers and professionals and harm can be caused be children. TheNatalia Kremen anti bullying policy can be found in the policies folder andshould be used where appropriate but issues of peer to peer abuse should bereported to the MASH team in the same way as adult to child harm and abuse is.
All concerns should be discussed with the Natalia Kremen Ballet Schooldesignated safeguarding lead. A decision shall then be made with the DSLregarding sharing this concern onward to children’s social care or the police asrequired.
Where possible and only if it is safe to do so the teacher who has the concern orthe DSL should let the parent / carer of that child know if they intend to raisethat concern with children’s social care and they should seek their permission toshare information.
Please be aware if the parent declines to consent and your concerns regardsignificant harm you are still duty bound to share with children’s social care.
In the absence of the DSL all concerns should be shared directly with children’ssocial care.
Their number for the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub in the school’s area
Their share a concern page is ……………………………… [add here the telephone numberand web link for your local children’s social care teams their numbers will befound on your council website page or your safeguarding children’s partnershipwebpage]
The emergency duty team number (for out of hours concerns)is………………………………………………………….
For students who live outside of the local area a referral should be made to theMulti agency safeguarding hub in the area where that student resides.
All information sharing must be Data Protection Act and GDPR compliant.
Sharing must be discrete, appropriate, honest, and accurate but it is importantfor all staff and volunteers to be aware GDPR and Data Protection law does notcreate a barrier to sharing safeguarding information and all concerns MUST beshared with the DSL and children’s social care as necessary.
Recognising Harms and Abuse:
Below are the definitions of harm to children and young people use these tohelp you recognise harm and ensure you cause no harm.
Physical abuse:
A form of abuse that may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burningor scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child.Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates thesymptoms of or deliberately causes illness in a child.
Emotional abuse:
The persistent emotional maltreatment off a child such as to cause severe andpersistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involveconveying to children that they are worthless, unloved inadequate, or valued inso far as they meet the needs of another person only, deliberately silencingthem or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate.
It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations beingimposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond the child’sdevelopmental capability, as well as the over protection and limitation ofexploration and learning or preventing the child from participating in normalsocial interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the Ill treatment of another. Itmay involve serious bullying (or cyber bullying), causing children to frequentlyfeel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Somelevel of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child,although it may occur alone.
Sexual abuse:
Involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexualactivities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not thechild is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact,including assault by penetration (for example rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing rubbing, touching outside ofclothing. They may also include noncontact activities, such as involving childrenin looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities,encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming achild in preparation for abuse (including via the internet).
Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commitacts of sexual abuse, as can other children.
The persistent failure to meet a child’s physical and/ or psychological needs,likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development.Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse.
Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to: provideadequate food, clothing, and shelter (including exclusion from home andabandonment); protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger;ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care givers);ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include anunresponsiveness to a child’s basic emotional needs.
If A Child Tells Us They Have Experienced Harm and Abuse:
Where We Believe Another Teacher Or Responsible Adult Has Harmed A Child:
If any member of staff or volunteer has concerns about the behaviour orconduct of another individual within the organisation the nature of the concernshould be reported to Natalia Kremen who will report the matter to the LocalAuthority Designated Officer (LADO). Their phone number is………………. [you willfind this on your local authority website].
Policy signed by………………………………………………
DATE ……………………………………………………………..
Review Date ………………………………………………
Safeguarding concern form: to be used alongside a conversation with the DSLto record and share your concerns with them:
The Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) gives legal protection to employeesfrom being dismissed or penalized by their employers because of publiclydisclosing certain serious concerns. This is often described as “whistle blowing”.
There are occasions where an individual may become aware of poor ordangerous practice or problems in an organisational process or procedure thatthey may wish to draw attention to for the safety and wellbeing of others.
A ‘whistleblowing policy is intended to give that individual the security raise thatconcern, knowing it will be welcomed as valuable contribution and they will notbe penalized, bullied, belittled or lose their role for raising the issue.
‘Whistleblowing’ means that issues can be dealt with swiftly on an
organisational level without people needing to go initially to third parties
just to see appropriate change made. Whistleblowing is important as it is
often employees, staff and contractors who first notice internal issues
and they should be able to address these with confidence without feeling
disloyal or believing they will be viewed as being critical. People can be afraid toraise concerns if they feel they are likely to be victimizes, if they fee that they willbe ignored or the issue will be covered up or of the concern has been raisedpreviously and has not been addressed. The Public information Disclosure Actprotects individuals in these circumstances.
It is important to understand that information will be addressed confidentiallyand a person’s desire for anonymity can be taken into account. It is alsoimportant to recognize that for concerns to be effectively addressed it can behelpful to have witnesses to inappropriate actions and at this time being able toprovide witness evidence as yourself, knowing you are protected from harmunder the PIDA should allow individuals to speak of their experiences or understanding without fear of reprisal.
Before using the PIDA to ‘whistle blow’ it is important that you believe theinformation you share to be true, not malicious and in the best public interest. Itis also important to understand this process is not suitable for a disclosure ofinformation that promotes personal interest and person gain over publicinterest.
Whistle blowing may be used to address a number of issues including:
• Conduct which is an offence or a breach of law.
• Malpractice or maladministration
• Failure to comply with a legal obligation.
• Disclosures related to miscarriages of justice.
• Health and safety risks, including safeguarding risk, risks to the public
or risk to other staff members
• Damage to the environment.
• Possible fraud and corruption.
• Sexual, physical or other abuse of clients.
• Other unethical conduct.
Raising a concern:
Concerns should be raised in writing to Natalia
Once you have raised your concern in writing you will be contacted
two working days of the original email
to arrange a time for a
This meeting should be arranged for within
two weeks
of theacknowledgement of your concern.
You will be advised of the benefits of bringing evidence and information to yourmeeting. Natalia Kremen will manage the investigation into the concern.
She will recognise any concerns you have, ensure your protection under thePIDA and where ever possible support any wish for confidentiality or anonymityregarding the issue.
Natalia Kremen ballet School wishes to work as transparently as possible and tobe regarded with integrity.
Once the matter has been addressed you will be informed both through ameeting and in writing of the outcome.
Where that outcome is not felt to be satisfactory a review can be requested viathe school’s complaints process.
The Natalia Kremen ballet school also welcomes outside referrals or concernsbeing raised via third parties if it is believed that issues have not been resolvedeffectively and we are keen to take independent advise and information toensure the best practice possible. We would just ask that, in the first instancewhere ever possible we are provided the information and opportunity to makechanges that effect our school and we will ensure the safety of any one whowishes to do so under the guidance outlined in the PIDA.
1. We recognise that discrimination is unacceptable and we have made thedecision to adopt a formal equal opportunities policy. Breaches of the policy willlead to disciplinary proceedings and, if appropriate, disciplinary action.
2. The aim of the policy is to ensure no job applicant, employee or worker isdiscriminated against either directly or indirectly on the grounds of race, colour,ethnic or national origin, religious belief, political opinion, sex, marital status, sexualorientation, gender reassignment, age or disability.
3. We will ensure that the policy is circulated to any agencies responsible for ourrecruitment, communicated to all private contractors, and a copy of the policy willbe made available for all employees and made known to all applicants foremployment.
4. The policy will be implemented in accordance with the appropriate statutoryrequirements and account will be taken of any relevant Codes of Practice.
5. We will maintain a neutral working environment in which no employee orworker feels under threat or intimidated.
6. We will endeavour through appropriate training to ensure that employeesmaking selection and recruitment decisions will not unlawfully discriminate,whether consciously or unconsciously.
7. Promotion and advancement will be made on merit and all decisions relating tothis will be made within the overall framework and principles of this policy.
8. Job descriptions, where used, will be revised to ensure that they are in line withour equal opportunities policy. Job requirements will be reflected accurately in anypersonnel specifications.
9. We will adopt a consistent, non-discriminatory approach to the advertising ofvacancies and will not confine our recruitment to areas or media sources whichprovide only, or mainly, applicants of a particular group.
10. All applicants who apply for jobs with us will receive fair treatment and will beconsidered solely on their ability to do the job.11. Interview questions will be related to the requirements of the job and will not beof a discriminatory nature.
12. We will not disqualify any applicant because he/she is unable to complete anapplication form unassisted unless personal completion of the form is a valid testof the standard of English required for the safe and effective performance of thejob.
13. Selection decisions will not be influenced by any perceived prejudices of otherstaff.