News & Events

Nutcracker Dress Rehearsal

Nutcracker Dress Rehearsal

We ended the school term with magical trip to Coliseum theatre to all watch the dress rehearsal of Nutcracker. Thank you Mrs Natalia Kremen and the English National Ballet for this wonderful Christmas present. 40 students were watching the performance full of admiration with open mouths. 

Over 100 dancers and musicians bring Nutcracker to life with exquisite dancing, beautiful sets and Tchaikovsky’s popular score played live.

From the sound of the orchestra tuning up, to the final bows and cheers, a trip to English National Ballet’s Nutcracker is an unforgettable Christmas treat.

@ London Coliseum

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Festiva 5678 held 24th and 25th November 2018

Festiva 5678 held 24th and 25th November 2018

@5678community Toi, toi, toi to all the dancers who competed at the international Festiva 5678 competition on 24th and 25th November in the Sava Center, Belgrade, Serbia. In attendance was our own NK Ballet school and NK Ballet foundation founder Natalia Kremen.

5678 is a community founded on an idea about a new approach to dance.

Festiva 5678 is for both young and older dancers at the beginning of their professional path. The goal of the festival is to raise the overall awareness of dance to a higher level, whilst bringing the world of dance to Serbia. Including dancers, instructors, choreographers, scouts and admirers of the world of dance in general.

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Private Tuition Ballet Classes

Private Tuition Ballet Classes

Our founder Natalia Kremen and Mrs Roberta Marquez will be offering private tuition classes this December 2018. Contact Natalia Kremen Ballet School have studios based in London. To book your private session by emailing All emails will go in to a draw to win one free private class!

(Flexibility, Feet, Technique, Pirouettes or Jumps)

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Roberta Marquez Sunday Classes

Roberta Marquez Sunday Classes

Introducing a short video staring our stunning ballet mistress, Mrs Roberta Marquez. Here at Natalia Kremen Ballet School, we love her Sunday classes.

It’s a dream come true to be taught by a Prima Ballerina and such an inspirational ballet teacher!




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Natalia Kremen Ballet School Reviews

Natalia Kremen Ballet School Reviews

Natalia Kremen Ballet School Reviews.

Thank you so much to everyone that has taken the time to review our ballet School, you can read some of the reviews on our Facebook Page.

Does the picture in this news item remind you anything ?!?!

Look at the Natalia Kremen Ballet School logo. Natalia is with students Isabelle and Mariana, Isabelle was studying with us for over 5 years and is now a full time student at American Ballet Theatre school in New York.

#nkbs is a place where DREAMS come true, where you can be UNIQUE  and where you will reach your maximum POTENTIAL.

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Master Class with Andret Klemm

Master Class with Andret Klemm

Exiting news ! Only 1 day in London. Ballet master of Paris Opera Andrey Klemm will be giving open Master Class for NKBS exclusively for NK BALLET LAB PROJECT ! Come and celebrate with us 5th Anniversary of NKBS .Places are limited . Find out more information via email

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